We are SUPER EXCITED to welcome you all back 🥰
Just a short video so you know what to expect
🦋 please do not attend the studio if you are displaying any symptoms of illness, you won’t be allowed in, your instructor will ask you on entry
🦋 the door will be locked please don’t try to open it
🦋 please Queue outside the studio and maintain social distancing
🦋 please wear face coverings for entering and leaving
🦋 no hugging 🚫☹️
🦋 door opens 5 mins before class, your instructor will check you are all symptom free prior to entry
🦋 be aware of all signage
🦋 remove shoes at top of stairs
🦋 sanitise you’re hands on entry to studio
🦋 make your way to designated pole
🦋 come dressed for pole so you just need to remove outside clothing
🦋 please only bring what you need, remember your water
🦋 essentials allowed in training area only (grip aid, phone, water) the rest goes in cubbies
🦋 try not to touch your face & stay in your training area
🦋 be kind to yourself & have fun 💕
Any questions just ask 🥰
Huge thank you to my beautiful actresses 😘 @sal_morrison @rahrahmls @kay_h_tee
😆😆😆 WE ARE OPEN 😆😆😆
I'm probably just being stupid, but I cant see a video?