Let’s Talk about Grip Aids
Seasons are changing … and so might your grip ☀️❄️
What’s your favourite?
Any Questions just ask 💕
All of these can be purchased in our online Shop HERE and collected at the Studio
Hope that helps 💕
Grip Aids
Grip Aids for Sweaty Hands
Tite Grip - Sweaty Hands - best 30-60 mins before - small amount and rub for 1 min, you can use grip aids on top
Dri-Clor - Sweaty Hands - use the night before wash off thoroughly in the morning, if very sweaty hands use every night until you feel a difference (Boots)
Poletice - A little sweaty hands - use before pole - (in stock)
Grip Aids for Dry Hands
Hydro Attack - if you’re hands are super dry try a spray of this on your hands (in stock)
Grip Aids for Dry Skin (Body)
Hydro Attack - a few sprays on the body where you need to stick, let it dry for 30 seconds or rub in with forearms (not hands unless they’re super dry too) (in stock)
Glycerine & Rosewater - put it on just after your shower in the morning, or put it on a spray bottle and a spray or 2 to the body where you want to stick, rub in with forearms (Boots)
Grip Aids for Slippy Hands
Dry Hands - a drop or 2 on the hands, you can also apply this to the pole (out of stock)
Enviro Grip - a drop or 2 on the hands, you can also apply this to the pole (in stock)
Xdry - a drop or 2 on the hands, you can also apply this to the pole (in stock)
Girly Grip - a drop or 2 on the hands, you can also apply this to the pole (in stock)
Pole Grip - a drop or 2 on the hands, you can also apply this to the pole (in stock)
Alcohol - spray on a cloth and give your hands a wipe
Grip Aids for Sweaty Body
A fan - stand in front of it to dry off, do pole move & repeat
Itac - but it’s a bitch to get off the pole
Pole Cleaning
Alcohol - ideally isopropyl but cheap vodka does the job
Pole Safe Body Moisturisers
Any glycerin based body moisturiser and use sparingly a few hours before pole
Aloe Vera gel is also good
Definitely not cocoa butter based creams
‼️Most importantly - Warm up your pole with spins / flow‼️
Me personally a warm pole and a warm body I’m like glue