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January 2020

Wow what a month! January just never ends does it? It has a million weeks, but now it's over!

Instructor privates

This month two of our instructors have been busy with privates, Jaime and Morven! It's been a packed month of them as far as I know, everyone has been doing amazing! I've seen a couple of you during your privates and I can't believe how far you've come!

Did you know, you can do anything in your private, not just pole? You can do stretch, work on specific things such as handstands, flow work etc. really you can work on whatever you want! As a few of you are entering competitions or planning on the showcase, why not have a private to work on your routines?

To add to this you can pick ANY instructor you want?! Depending on the type of private, you get a choice of instructors, it doesn't just have to be Jaime! 😍


We have literally just started 2020 and there are goals set, smashed, moves being perfected... everything! I am looking forward to see what this year holds, everyone has started off on fire and just amazing!

I have a few photos and videos from some lovely students (who I may have slightly stalked and annoyed) to show you from January!

I had put up a post in the Student Community group asking if anyone would like to share your photos etc. with us - I had the lovely Carly share with us two of her moves she has been working on; one is a new move and the other was a goal / perfecting move! Look at that split!

First up we have Mary who starting poling with us just this month! She has very kindly said I could share with you some of her improved moves and just look at that, in only ONE week! That smile just says it all.

Next we have Kelly and Donna who are two of the Thursday night group who I get to help out! They started a few weeks ago working on their cross leg lay backs and just look at how well these are coming along! Donna managed to take her top hand off and Kelly has managed her bridge!! As always making sure the basics are right, Kelly has been working on her inverted V and getting this nice and strong.

I may have also stalked the next two people who I am going to share with you. Just looking at the shapes they make and the beautiful photos they share I really wanted to share them with you.

Kerry is a weekly morning regular, unfortunately (or maybe fortunately for her) I have only had the pleasure of training / helping in one class with her. She posts some great photos and videos of her pole journey and I love to see them! I asked Kerry if I could use any of her photos, ones she is proud of or a goal that she has reached, so please enjoy having a look at the next few photos.

Last but not least we have Bev! Now I am sure quite a few of you know our Bev, as she has been to a mixture of classes. I have had he pleasure of helping Bev in pole and just love how far she has come along from strength to strength! When asking if I could use her photos I was told to take my pick...but I must make sure I share her extended butterfly photo, you will see why! This has been a goal of Bev's for a little while now and she is smashing it!


We have two showcases this year, yes you read that right TWO!

First up we have our brand new Exotic Showcase! OMG get your sexy on! But don't worry the audience will ONLY be Butterfly Studio members, it is not open to the public. Fancy showing off your sexy side, I know you've all been practicing with the sold out exotics! If you'd like more info please contact the studio or ask when in class! This is taking place 30th May 2020

Secondly we have our annual Butterfly Studio Showcase! I know a few of you have already signed up and are even thinking of your music and starting your routine! This is so exciting, I am already looking forward to seeing what you're going to come up with! Date for your diary is 5th September 2020

Remember if you want help with your routines ask! We're not that scary, honest, and we don't bite...I may nibble a little though 😂😂

Valentine's Lap Dance Workshop

Did you know there's a lap dance workshop? Fancy seducing your other half, gaining some confidence and coming along for some fun, then why not come along. Booking is as usual on the Go Team Up page! This takes place Friday 7th February and Saturday 8th February; remember if these are full there is a waiting list!

Jaime is one of the best to learn from and it isn't her first time 😉 The last one went off with a bang, it was an amazing night and everyone loved it!

February Blog

So for next month's bog I would love to share photo and video fails! We all see the good photos / screen shots or the videos that we're happy with, but where's the REAL ones, the ones where it isn't quite right or that face you pull in a move or just that magnificent fall?!

If you'll let me, please send photos and videos so I can share with our Butterfly Community!

I love a fail, it shows we're all the same and not just hopping on a pole and getting the move first time and perfect! Sometimes they can also be a little bit funny 😉

Travelling Butterflies

We have members of our Butterfly Studio attending some advents this year and showing off their amazing skills. We have PPC taking place 22nd March 2020, Authentics 5th April 2020, Megapole 17th May, we'd love it if any of you would want to go on a little road trip to watch and support the Butterflies! Tickets will be on sale for these so keep an eye out!

There is also MMPS 2020, this usually takes place in September, the applications are now open! Why not have a go or maybe block it off in your diary for a road trip! 😍



Upcoming events for your diary at Butterfly Studio:

  • Crystal Gibson Workshops – 2nd February 2020

  • Valentines Lapdance Workshop - 7th and 8th February

  • Exotic Showcase - 30th May 2020

  • Butterfly Studio Showcase - 5th September 2020

  • Image Cella Photoshoot – 24th October 2020


Class Timetable Monday

10-11am - Pole - Beginner / Intermediate / Advanced

6-7pm - Stretch & Flex - All Levels

7-8pm - Pole - Beginner / Intermediate / Advanced


10-11am Pole - Beginners

1-2pm - Pole - Beginner / Intermediate / Advanced

6-7pm - Pole - Beginner / Intermediate / Advanced


10-11am - Pole - Beginner / Intermediate / Advanced

6-7pm - Pole - Beginners

7-8pm - Pole - Beginner / Intermediate / Advanced

8-9pm - Pole - Beginner / Intermediate / Advanced


6-7pm - Pole - Beginners

7-8pm - Pole - Beginner / Intermediate / Advanced

8-9pm - Pole Dance - Choreo - Competent in Spins and Sits


10-11am - Pole - Beginner / Intermediate / Advanced


11-12noon - Pole - Beginner / Intermediate / Advanced


2-3pm - Pole Practice - Beginner / Intermediate / Advanced



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