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🌸 Hello April 🌸

🌸 Today We Welcome April 🌸

I don't know about you but I love this time of year. The cherry blossoms are starting to bloom and in case you didn't know, pink is my favourite colour. The beautiful daffodils are popping up everywhere, the days are getting longer, the nights are lighter and the temperatures are rising, well apart from this weeks cold snap. Spring is definitely in the air! It is the perfect time for us to flourish and to start new beginnings just like everything around us.

Last month we delved a bit deeper into stepping out of our comfort zone and how it helped us grow. If you missed it you can check it out here

April represents a time of full emergence and growth!

Are You Ready To Flourish?

Here are a few ways that could help you:

Embracing Positive Emotions

Practicing gratitude, self-compassion, doing something you love or being mindful of the positive emotion you are feeling. This is not to be confused with toxic positivity "Think Happy Thoughts / Good Vibes Only" which is an artificial level of positive feelings 100% of the time. All our feelings are valid and we need to respond to them all in a healthy way.

Appreciate Your Strengths

Allowing yourself to admire your strengths can increase your perceived self worth and help you realise your true capabilities.

Engage in Activities

Seek out things you enjoy and make it a point to participate in those things regularly. Especially ones where time seems to stop, making us focus fully on the present moment.

Strengthen Relationships

We humans have a deep need to be social and connect with others. Building strong and positive relationships makes us stronger, happier and increases the sense of belonging and protection.

Recognise Your Achievements

Owning and celebrating your accomplishments can help build confidence in your potential and capability.

Prioritise Yourself and Refill Your Cup

It's often easy to prioritise other things or people in life but we need to remember to prioritise our own needs and refill our own cups. I know I am a much better person in so many ways, more patient, energetic, balanced and happy when I feel good.

Journalling / Breathing / Meditation

Sometimes our heads can get too full with everything going on. Google 5/10 min Meditation or just close your eyes and focus on breathing for a few minutes. Grab a pen and a bit of paper and just start brain dumping. I usually do it when I am feeling overwhelmed, so I ask myself, Why do I feel like this? Then I just keep asking myself why? and just dump all my thoughts onto paper. I feel so much lighter after.

🌸 So Let's Flourish this Month 🌸



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