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Corona Virus Update - March 2020

As you may be aware the Corona Virus has hit the UK. We at Butterfly Studio have put in place some extra precautions to help keep the spread of the virus to a minimum.

I am aware that not everyone is on Facebook so we thought a small blog to share what is happening at the Studio and our actions to help prevent illness.

If you or anyone you have been in contact with has been to an effected country or have had to self isolate, please ensure that you take the current government recommended time off pole too. Please bear in mind some students may have medical conditions along with students family members.

Please see below Jaime's posts with regards to the Studio:


Hey beautiful people 💖

How are we all doing / coping?

First of all apologies for delays in any replies, I’m trying to get back to everyone as quick as possible.

Please remember to message Butterfly Studio Facebook Page not my personal inbox as they are getting lost, I can track who I’ve replied to through the butterfly one.

Daily update:

Classes are still on but I am trying to reduce to 1 person per pole, some classes have 9/10/11 booked at the moment (mainly Wed/Thursday) but I’ve maxed all the classes out so if anyone leaves a space wont open up.

If you can’t make it please remove yourself as spaces are even more limited now.

Some people are choosing to come, some are choosing not to it’s entirely up to the individual, both are totally understandable, we all have different factors to take into consideration at the moment.

Just to let you know what we are doing:

Reduced to 1 person per pole to keep numbers down and cross contamination reduced.

Reduced physical contact / spotting where possible.

We are also disinfecting everything as much as physically possible. You are welcome to disinfect your pole / area prior to use too (can even bring your own if you’d prefer).

Have implemented paper towels in the bathroom.

Some students who are around a lot of people / higher risk, have messaged to say they’re going to avoid classes for a bit to reduce risks too.

The reason we are staying open is I know a lot of you need this for escape / mental health etc.

I am pretty sure we will have to take a break from classes in the near future ☹️ but until I am told we have to I’m taking as many precautions as I can.

We will be doing as much online as we can to help you all through this too.

Until I know if / when / how long we are forced to close I’m still figuring out what to do about memberships / class credits etc.

You will all know as soon as I do 💖 you have no idea how much I appreciate all your support at the moment 💕💫 xxx


Just thinking out loud here: I’ve mentioned to those that have been in classes that we have no plans of taking a break from classes unless the government says we have to.

We have upped the hygiene, disinfecting everything as often as physically possible, limiting contact, no kissing lol, hugging / high fiving (air fives and air hugs only) We have disposable paper hand towels in the bathroom now.

You’re welcome to use the disinfectant on the pole as well the alcohol, bring your own clean cloths, mats, etc.

If there is a lockdown and we do have to take a little break, I have been brainstorming about doing some things online (suggestions welcome) There is talks of the UK lockdown I think possibly starting at the Easter holidays, anyone else have a feeling it might happen a bit sooner?

All members, your classes will of course be honoured, Casual Members for example you have 4 classes to use per month, if for example we are not allowed to open 6/4-26/4 but you booked 1,3, 27, 29 then perfect no issue, If we are locked down whole of April (hoping that’s worst case scenario) then you would have 8 to use in May, dedicated members we could spread it over a few months if that makes it easier.

I know this is a scary time for everyone, whether you / someone close to you are high risk, scared of the unknown, being isolated, being isolated with your kids 🙊 anything and everything else.

Please know that the Butterfly Community will be online and I can try my best to help anyone in anyway I can 💕

I want you to know that I will be communicating anything I know to you all as soon as I know it. Please feel free to message the studio page about anything you’re concerned about 💫 xxx

Re-sharing post from the other day: Corona Virus / Covid 19.5 Advice

If you feel unwell, particularly with any of the following symptoms, please do not come to the studio: A cough, A high temperature, Shortness of breath Before coming to the studio please wash your hands. On arrival at the studio please wash your hands for a minimum of 20 seconds. Wash your hands again before leaving. Avoid any unnecessary physical contact such as kissing or hugging. Pole Students: Please clean your poles prior to use with the cleaning sprays and cloths provided. We recommend bringing your own clean pole cloth. Use the cleaning sprays/clothes to wipe down surfaces such as your mobile phones and grip botles. At the end of each class please clean your pole again and put the clothes in the cloth bucket / take it home if it’s your own. For up to date advice please visit-

If in doubt call 111.

Fear not my lovely butterflies; we will aim to put out some stretches, conditioning and even some home pole exercises that you can do! In February's blog I added in some homework, as requested by a member, of different exercises and I will do the same for March's too but shall include more and some videos too!

As said in Jaime's post; IF we need to close the studio your credits will not be lost! We will also aim to do online classes where possible! Handstand prep and helpful tips (before we hold a handstand workshop), get you all working on your split stretches too and not to mention some conditioning to keep you strong for coming back.

Any questions please contact the studio page and we will be as helpful as possible. Concerns or queries please let us know.

Lots of Love

Sally, Jaime, Morven, Kayleigh, Holly and Jordyn




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